Window to the Past
Civil War Soldiers' Monument
An interesting meeting of the trustees of the Monument Assn. was held Friday, and after extended discussion and a close examination of different designs, made a selection.
The foundation for the monument has been completed. It is seven feet square, and five feet deep and will carry any weight that may be placed upon it. The stone for the foundation was donated by Aaron Fisher and the labor of construction by F.O. Brotherton.
The committee desires that the ladies of Delphos, who have shown such a great interest in the monument movement, be invited to suggest proper mottoes, and any suggestions should be sent to the secretary, Louis Eysenbach. They will be greatly received and considered by the Trustees.
Delphos Herald, Nov. 1908
The soldiers’ monument in City Park will be unveiled this afternoon as a part of the Memorial Day exercises. In this part of the program, Miss Stella Truesdale, one of the pupils of the seventh grade, public schools, has been invited by Reul Post, G.A. R. to participate, Miss Truesdale having collected the largest sum of money for the monument fund in the contest.
The monument reached Delphos about 5:30 o’clock Sunday evening. Arriving in Toledo, Saturday morning, over the Lake Shore railroad, the flat car bearing the heavy pieces of stone was delivered to the C.H. & D. and taken to Ottawa over the F. Ft. W. and W. & W. and hauled the car to Mandale, where it was attached to the passenger train to Delphos.
C. Scherger & Sons, were ready and waiting with men, teams, derricks, etc., and the work of unloading was started at once. By the time darkness had set in, the first base, 7x7 feet, and 1 foot 4 inches high, had been placed in position. The second base is 5x5 feet and 1 foot high, and the third, 4x4 feet and 1 foot, 2 inches high. The die on which appears the lettering and designs, is 3x3 feet and 4 feet high. The plinth and cap is 2 feet 10 inches square and 5 feet 6 inches high, beautifully executed. Surmounting this is the statue of a soldier at parade rest. The figure is of oxidized copper, antique bronze finish, and stands 6 feet and 4 inches high. The entire monument is 19 feet and 5 inches tall and weighs 15 tons. The first and second bases are hammered and fine axed, and the plinth and cap axed and carved in design. The third base and die are polished. All is of Barre granite, from the New York Granite Co., Barre, Vermont. As the monument stands, the north side bears the words: "Erected by Reul Post No. 95, G.A. R. and Our Patriotic People, 1909", with design of G.A.R. emblem in center. The west side has this inscription, "We Honor the Dead, We Inspire the Living," with design of crossed swords and wreath in center. The south side shows these words: "Dedicated to Our Country’s Defenders and Preserves, The Men and Women of 1861-1865." Cannon and pyramid of balls in center. On the east side is carved: "Liberty and Equal rights to All, Now and Forever," with American flag in center. The members of the G.A.R. are more than pleased with the imposing and inspiring appearance.
C. Scherger & Sons and their employers worked all night in getting the heavy pieces in place, and their work was interfered somewhat by the deluge of rain. The statue was furnished by the W.H. Mullins Co., Salem, Ohio.
Delphos Herald, May 31, 1909
The thought of founding an association that would preserve the friendships and memories of their common trials and dangers among the men who fought for the Union during the Civil War was conceived by the Rev. William Rutledge, of Petersburg, Ill., who, during the war, was chaplain of the 14th Illinois Infantry. He was the tentmate, an intimate friend of Dr. B.F. Stevenson. To him he suggested his idea, and they agreed to work together toward organizing such an association after the close of the war.
After peace had been restored, both were mustered out and returned to their homes. They kept up a lively correspondence, and in March, 1866, met in Springfield, Ill., to consider the draft of a ritual for the organization to be. Dr. Stephenson had contacted many former Union officers, in preparing such a draft.
The ritual was finally adopted and printed in the office of the Decatur, Ill. Tribune. Nearly all their employees had been in the military service and they were all pledged to the utmost secrecy.
Major B.F. Stephenson was the moving spirit of the movement, and devoted himself with great energy and enthusiasm. His friends succeeded in interesting many other officers and men of the Union army on behalf of the proposed organization, and it was finally formed in Springfield, in March 1866.
The first post was founded in Decatur, Ill.
According to the constitution, the name of the national organization was to be "The Grand Army of the Republic," and precinct, county, and state organizations were provided for.
The first national encampment was held at Indianapolis, Ind. on Nov. 20, 1866.
Following is a list of the number of members of the G.A.R. during the years from 1878 to 1900.
1878 - 31,016
1879 - 44,752
1880 - 60,634
1881 - 85,856
1882 - 134,701
1883 - 215,446
1884 - 273,168
1885 - 294,787
1886 - 323,571
1887 - 355,916
1888 - 372,900
1889 - 397,974
1890 - 409,489
1891 - 407,781
1892 - 399,880
1893 - 307,223
1894 - 369,083
1895 - 357,639
1896 - 340,610
1897 - 319,456
1898 - 305,603
1899 - 287,368
1900 - 286,453
Delphos Herald , Sept. 13, 1900
The local G.A.R. is taking active steps toward securing monuments for the graves of soldiers that are unmarked. Relatives or friends of the deceased boys in blue, who know their names, and the company and regiment of which they were a member, should make a written application at once to J.A. Brotherton, commander of the G.A.R., giving the name of the soldier for whose grave a monument is desired.
These stones will be supplied by the government free of charge, freight prepaid. The parties making application for them have only to erect the stone over the grave.
Delphos Herald, June 19, 1900
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rode have received a letter from their son, Henry, somewhere in France, as follows:
Somewhere in France
June 16, 1918
My dear Folks: How are you? I am just fine and hope the same of you.
Well, I suppose you were out automobile-riding or having some kind of a good time today. It has been a nice day today. Where I am now, it’s work every day, so I haven’t had a chance to go to church since Palm Sunday.
I guess you are pretty busy by this time. It’s just about clover hay making time now, and also corn plowing time too.
For about 2 months now, it has been nice and sun shines every day. At first when we got here it rained every day, but that was in the spring.
I hope you got my other letters that I wrote you. I am just wondering if they passed censor or not. Some of the boys said their folks wrote and all they got was their name and address. I haven’t had any letters yet but I am in hopes that I will get one soon.
Hope this war will be over and we can all be back home soon. But we can never tell how long it will last.
Well, don’t worry about me. I am allright and hope that some day I can come back again and then I won’t have to write.
I was just telling one of the boys here that this is about hay making time and that would just be sport for me to get in back of the hay-loader and work in the hay again. This war can’t last forever, that is sure. It’s funny, I dream about home almost every night and hope my dreams will come true. I haven’t had any letters from home yet, and I haven’t had any mail at all since the middle of April. I have a notion to subscribe to a newspaper over here so that I will have a little something to read. I never got a one of those Heralds after I left Camp Sherman.
Well, this is enough for this time. I am hoping this will reach you all in the best of health and spirits as it leaves me, and don’t forget to write. I remain as ever.
Delphos Herald, June 18, 1918
John M. Boneface is a resident of Coldwater. He came to Delphos Saturday, and became more or less under the influence of liquor. He bothered the ladies of the Red Cross booth, and later was arrested and placed in jail.
In the jail at the time was an Irishman from Ft. Wayne. His name was O’Neil, and he did not take kindly to the German’s boasting of the Kaiser. In a short time the Irishman had landed all over the German and threatened to do more.
Before the mayor, Boneface was arraigned and was fined $25 and costs. O’Neil was discharged.
Delphos Herald, Aug. 12, 1918
ATTN. 118TH O.V.I.
T.F. Moore of Company "H", O.V.I. addresses the following communication to the surviving members of that regiment. His post-office address is Forest, Ohio:
"I have suggested to a number of the regiment, the idea of having a complete history of our regiment written and published, that its services may be placed upon permanent record. The suggestion having met with favor, I have resumed, upon request, the task of procuring, if possible, the necessary material from which an accurate history may be written; and, therefore, request all members of the regiment, who have any records of diaries kept during their service, or other accurate information, or any important or amusing incidents from memory, etc., to send the same to me. Some useful information may be obtained from letters written home from the army. I will suggest that each company take measure to furnish their company history, while detached on the K.C.R.R. Any information which might assist in giving an accurate history of the movements, services, incidents, etc., pertaining to the regiment will be useful. "Boys," let me hear from you, as to what you can contribute in the way of historical reminiscences.
Delphos Herald, Apr. 12, 1877
Compiled by Robert Holdgreve
Delphos Historical Society
October 4, 2005 Delphos Herald Newspaper
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